Class 8 - Corrosive substances

Corrosive substances

The heading of Class 8 covers substances and articles containing substances of this class which by chemical action attack epithelial tissue - of skin or mucous membranes - with which they are in contact, or which in the event of leakage are capable of damaging or destroying other goods, or means of transport. The heading of this class also covers other substances which form a corrosive liquid only in the presence of water, or which produce corrosive vapour or mist in the presence of natural moisture of the air.

C1-C11 Corrosive substances without subsidiary risk and articles containing such substances:
C1-C4 Acid substances:
C1 Inorganic, liquid
C2 Inorganic, solid
C3 Organic, liquid
C4 Organic, solid
C5-C8 Basic substances:
C5 Inorganic, liquid
C6 Inorganic, solid
C7 Organic, liquid
C8 Organic, solid
C9-C10 Other corrosive substances:
C9 Liquid
C10 Solid
C11 Articles
CF Corrosive substances, flammable
CF1 Liquid
CF2 Solid
CS Corrosive substances, self-heating
CS1 Liquid
CS2 Solid
CW Corrosive substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases:
CW1 Liquid
CW2 Solid
CO Corrosive substances, oxidizing:
CO1 Liquid
CO2 Solid
CT Corrosive substances, toxic and articles containing such substances:
CT1 Liquid
CT2 Solid
CT3 Articles
CFT Corrosive substances, flammable, liquid, toxic;
COT Corrosive substances, oxidizing, toxic.
ADR European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, ECE/TRANS/257 (Vol. 1), Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee, UNECE 2017